Rabu, 22 Januari 2014

STEC Goes to Competition

Finally the competition that have been waiting has arrived ...Yup..All of Big family from STEC so happiness when listening this information,STEC will prepared all about the competition that will following at the Economy Faculty of UNILA at 22 - 23 February,2014 later.

Aris Subachtiar as a Senior coach in the STEC said so optimized for following this competition and also shall be succeed to taking out one of trophy for beloved campus "STEKOMINDO"  

STEC will be following the Debate Contest,Speech,and News Casting part for this event,same matter this point told by Andriko,New Leader of STEC he so appreciated for this event and will be do the best,for showed and firstly STEC go public and following this competition. 

And also Mr.Mawandi N Ex President, said ,he will directly for give the practice to prepared before the competition as intensively.
and he said STEC shall be give the BEST for Beloved STEKOMINDO.


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