Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

STEC Preparation the EEC UNILA Competition

Stekomindo English Club (STEC),always do the intensive preparation for EEC UNILA Competition that will be held on 22-23 February 2014 in EEC UNILA,Mr.Aris as a coach of STEC said he will send the best representatives for that event and only registered at a big chance that STEC have a winning chance.
Similar matter has told by Mr.Mawandi STEC Coach,he optimized STEC will got the succeeded in the EEC event only 1 trophy. 

STEC have been defined the members that will showing as Stekomindo Representatives
1.Aris - Speech Contest
2.Triani - Speech Contest
3.Widi - Speech Contest
4.Andriko - News Casting

STEC still have 3 weeks remaining for practice in order to give the best present for stekomindo.


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